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  • The minute we stop comparing our lives to other people’s, everything is actually pretty damn good. Isn’t it?

The minute we stop comparing our lives to other people’s, everything is actually pretty damn good. Isn’t it?

  1. Learn to accept where you are right now.

  2. Learn to respect your past: understand that you’ve made your all your decisions with your best judgement and available information at the time, and so has everyone else around you. You are who you are today because of your past.

  3. Learn to be grateful for tiny things: the smell of fresh cup of coffee, a new song, having a moment for yourself, learning something new…

  4. Dare to ask: does social media bring you joy?

  5. When was the last time you enjoyed yourself so much you forgot time existed?

  6. If you must compare, compare yourself today to yourself yesterday. See how far you’ve come? Imagine how much further you’ll go.

  7. If you’re unhappy with where you are today, realize that you’re only one decision away from completely changing your life.

  8. Breath. This is your book, and you’re the only author.

For those of you saying there aren’t “any good parts of life to hold on to”, I hear you — but I’d also challenge you to define what “good” really means to you, without comparison to others. I know people who live in poverty and are absolutely grateful and satisfied vs people who have everything one can imagine yet completely unhappy. It’s never an absolute measure, it’s how we interpret things. Have the courage to challenge the status quo of this interpretation and make it your own.

If you’re reading this in peace and have the time to pause for a sec and reflect, chances are you’re doing pretty ok. Thanks for being present.