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5 Life Lessons I Wish I’d Known At the Early 20s

5. “Too late” is not exists

In my early 20s I compared myself to others. I compared my achievements with people my age. And it has got me into a trap. I had the fear to start from the bottom.

If I’ll start from scratch some “Bob” will be 3 years ahead of me in life quality, finance and achievements.

I couldn’t let it happen so I stayed at a job that I hated. Just to not feel like I was behind someone.

How did I overcome it? I stopped comparing myself to others

4. Don’t rely on anyone but yourself

Just remember that no one will save you.

Luck won’t save you.

Your job won’t save you.

The government won’t save you.

Only you can change your life.

Consistent work and ambitions will get you to your goal.

3. Don’t afraid to ask

I lost many opportunities in my life because I was afraid to ask.

I was afraid to get rejected. I was afraid of others’ opinions. I was afraid that people would look at me in the wrong way.

I had a lack of courage.

Life lesson that I learned:

If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.

2. Happiness is inside

In the early 20s’ I thought that to be happy you need to have a lot of money, a great car and a big house.

I’m literally laughing writing it right now.

What I’ve learned is you don’t need to have any material things to be happy.

Happiness is in your head.

The formula is simple:

A deep sense that you on the right path + Be in the moment and do you best = Happiness

1. Life is easy

Everyone talks “Life is difficult”. But it’s not.

The point is that if you think that life is difficult, it will be. If you think that life is simple, then it will be.

When I have a weak mindset, my brain labels everything “hard”. Success is “hard”. Make money is “hard”.

But when I’ve created a superior mindset life becomes “easy”. Magic.

The life lesson I learned:

Life is easy, you make it hard